Saturday, November 26, 2011

What Is Search Engine Optimization AND Do You Need It If You Have A Website?

What is search engine optimization and is it something that you should have for your website?

Search engine optimization simply means that when people do a search on the search engines for information that is related to the content on your website - you want your website to show up in their search engine results - and the higher your page appears in the search engine results the better!

To give you a simple explanation, say that you have a website where you sell flowers. So when someone does a websearch for "flowers" then you want your site to show up in their search engine results so hopefully they will click on your link and visit your site (and hopefully buy flowers from your site).

Unfortunately it's a little bit more complicated than that. I'm sure that if you do a search for "flowers" you would get millions of linKs. But even so it is still a great example to show to help illustrate about what it means to be able to get a high search engine ranking.

So if you have a website of your own then optimizing your site for the search engines is very important and will benefit you (and your business) very much!

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